InQL Scanner v2 is out!
11 Jun 2020 - Posted by Andrea BrancaleoniInQL dyno-mites release
After the public launch of InQL we received an overwhelming response from the community. We’re excited to announce a new major release available on Github. In this version (codenamed dyno-mites), we have introduced a few cool features and a new logo!

Jython Standalone GUI
As you might know, InQL can be used as a stand-alone tool, or as a Burp Suite extension (available for both Professional and Community editions). Using GraphQL built-in introspection query, the tool collects queries, mutations, subscriptions, fields, arguments, etc to automatically generate query templates that can be used for QA / security testing.
In this release, we introduced the ability to have a Jython standalone GUI similar to the Burp’s one:
$ brew install jython
$ jython -m pip install inql
$ jython -m inql
Advanced Query Editor
Many users have asked for syntax highlighting and code completion. Et Voila!

InQL v2 includes an embedded GraphiQL server. This server works as a proxy and handles all the requests, enhancing them with authorization headers. GraphiQL server improves the overall InQL experience by providing an advanced query editor with autocompletion and other useful features. We also introduced stubbing of introspection queries when introspection is not available.
We imagine people working between GraphiQL, InQL and other Burp Suite tools hence we included a custom “Send to GraphiQL” / “Send To Repeater” flow to be able to move queries back and forth between the tools.

Tabbed Editor with Multi-Query and Variables support
But that’s not all. On the Burp Suite extension side, InQL is now handling batched-queries and searching inside queries.

This was possible through re-engineering the editor in use (e.g. the default Burp text editor) and including a new tabbed interface able to sync between multiple representation of these queries.
BApp Store
Finally, InQL is now available on the Burp Suite’s BApp store so that you can easily install the extension from within Burp’s extension tab.
Stay tuned!
In just three months, InQL has become the go-to utility for GraphQL security testing. We received a lot of positive feedback and decided to double down on the development. We will keep improving the tool based on users’ feedback and the experience we gain through our GraphQL security testing services.
This project was crafted with love in the Doyensec Research Island.